Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium funding is additional funding given to schools to support pupils who are eligible.
There are a variety of reasons why your child may be entitled to this funding, which include...
- If they are on Free School Meals or have been at any point in the last 6 years.
- If they are a Looked After Child (in the care of the Local Authority).
- If they have previously been a Looked After Child and are now adopted from care or are under a Special Guardianship Order or a Child Arrangements Order or a Residence Order.
- If they have a parent in the military or has been in the military over the past 5 years, or are in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.
How much is Holmeswood School’s allocation?
April 2022 to March 2023
- £5,115.00
April 2023 to March 2024
- £2,460.00
What are our Aims?
Put simply … we want all our children to THRIVE! Our core aims are to:
improve pupils’ attainment (in particular disadvantaged pupils, as defined by the government)
increase pupils’ confidence and resilience
encourage pupils to be more aspirational
Evidence suggests that pupil premium spending is most effective when schools use a tiered approach, targeting spending across the following 3 areas below:
Teaching: schools arrange training and professional development for all their staff to improve the impact of teaching and learning for pupils.
Academic support: schools should decide on the main issues stopping their pupils from succeeding at school and use the pupil premium to buy extra help.
Wider approaches: this may include non-academic use of the pupil premium such as school breakfast clubs, music lessons for disadvantaged pupils, help with the cost of educational trips or visits, speech and language therapy etc.
Schools can spend their pupil premium on pupils who do not meet the eligibility criteria but need extra support. For example, if they are in contact with a social worker, used to be in contact with a social worker or are acting as a carer.
How was the money spent in 2022-23 and how will it be spent in 2023-24?
This grant will contribute towards the following:
Adult Support:
3.5x Full-time equivalent Teachers and 3.5 FTE Teaching Assistants, maintaining an adult/pupil ratio of around 1:7 across the school.
Wellbeing and Mindfulness specialist for 1:1 interventions (half a day every week).
- Cost of online subscription services for intervention including Wordshark and IDL Cloud.
Financial Support:
Subsidise the cost of Chromebooks for Learning - for use in school and at home.
Subsidise Educational trips and residential excursions.
Staff Development & Training:
Speech, Language & Communication
Confident Me programme
Social Stories & Comic Strip Conversations
- Intensive Interaction
Our Pupil Premium Champion is...
Mr R Higson, 01704 821360